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Belgian art in Beijing
For the FPS Foreign Affairs, Gosselin moved a work of art by renowned artist Arne Quinze. The sculpture and accompanying pedestal were transported from Sint-Martems-Latem to Liège airport. From there, the more than 2-tonne artwork flew to Beijing.
"Gosselin was responsible for the packaging of the sculpture and pedestal, as well as transport to the airport," explains Senior Move Coordinator, Jill Van de Weyer. "Custom-made wooden crates were provided so that everything could be transported safely and efficiently." Normally, Gosselin moves household effects rather than large sculptures, so they worked with Heavy - part of Gosselin Logistics - who are experts in such transports. A collaboration that went smoothly.
Incidentally, this is not the first time Gosselin has carried out transports for artist Arne Quinze. Large sculptures have already been transported to Italy. This time, the work of art was destined for the opening of the renovated Belgian embassy in Beijing led by Ambassador Bruno Angelet.
About Gosselin
Gosselin is a leading provider of international moving and destination services. Our clients are multinationals, relocation management companies, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private persons. With 56 offices in 34 countries, Gosselin has a strong presence in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Gosselin is a division of the Gosselin Group that has its headquarters in Antwerp, Belgium. The company was founded in 1930 and employs a staff of 975 that generates more than 450 million euros in turnover.