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Men and women of steel
Gosselin has a long tradition as a moving company, and has built up an iron-clad reputation. The movers in Belgium form a 50-man team that together with their co-workers in dispatching have just one goal: to ensure that every move, no matter how complicated, is completed successfully and that every customer is satisfied.
“This team handles moves for a variety of customers,” says Anja Brosthardt, the operational leader of the team. “Our customers are officers in the military, diplomats, major multinationals, consumers and companies that want to move the entire contents of their offices. The primary market is Belgium, but we also handle moves just outside of the national borders, to France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany or Switzerland, for example.”
Quality is not seasonal
“During the winter, this team handles between five and 15 moving orders per day,” Charles De Ryck adds. “The summer months are the busiest period in the moving sector when the number of orders will easily increase to 30 per day. In order to maintain control over everything during the busy summer period, we work with subcontractors who are trained to offer the standard Gosselin quality.”
What exactly this Gosselin quality is becomes clear when the Inside Out editor rides along with the movers for a day. The great degree of care with which personal belongings are packed, labeled and loaded is astonishing. The energy these movers invest in customer satisfaction and the patience they exhibit during challenging situations is deserving of a lot of respect.